Saturday, October 19, 2019

ERROR in node_modules/firebase/index.d.ts(4336,38): error TS1005: ';' expected.

Hi Everyone ,

This blog is about the error " ERROR in node_modules/firebase/index.d.ts(4336,38): error TS1005: ';' expected."

I have faced this error while adding firebase to angular .
The solution is to update the typescript to version 3.1.3 .

add firebase to angular

Hi Everyone ,

This blog is about how we can add firebase to angular and access the database .

Install firebase and @angular/fire using npm .

npm i @angular/fire

npm i firebase

Create a file in src/environments/environment/ts

export const environment = {
  production: false,
    apiKey: "your api key",
    authDomain: "",
    databaseURL: "",
    projectId: "your project id ",
    storageBucket: "",
    messagingSenderId: "846752590782",
    appId: "1:846752590782:web:cdfb301f4daf4448"

And then , add firebase to app.module.ts

Next step is to access it via service

Hope this helps . Thanks !

Friday, October 18, 2019

Target container is not a DOM element.

Hi Guys ,

This blog is about the error " Target container is not a DOM element. " 

 The full error in the console log is as follows :

Invariant Violation: Target container is not a DOM element.
    at invariant (
    at Object.render (
    at Object.eval (
    at eval (
    at eval (
    at eval (<anonymous>)

Lets see the erroneous code .

HTML code

<div id="root"></div>

and javascript :

render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));

To fix this update the render function and specify the id of the HTML element . The working code is as follows :

render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));

Hops this helps .
Thanks !

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Error response from daemon: No such container:docker

Hi Guys ,

This blog is about the issue "Error response from daemon: No such container:"
I got this error while using docker , I had an docker container which I tried to stop using the command

docker stop myContainer

But instead of stopping it docker gave an error message like
Error response from daemon: No such container:myContainer .

Later I have found out that the docker container name was incorrect .

So I did docker ps

And I got the list of docker containers .
I checked the name of the container which needs to be stopped under the names column . I am able to stop the container .

The second situation where I got the same error is when I tried to start the docker container using the command
start docker myContainer .
Same as above the name is wrong , hence the error .

Watch the video for more details .

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Unexpected value '[object Object]' declared by the module 'AppModule'

Hi Guys ,

This blog is about the error " Unexpected value '[object Object]' declared by the module 'AppModule'" .

Error in the page :

Error in /turbo_modules/@angular/compiler@8.2.10/bundles/compiler.umd.js (2603:21)
Unexpected value '[object Object]' declared by the module 'AppModule'

Error in the console :

Error: Unexpected value '[object Object]' declared by the module 'AppModule'
at syntaxError (util.ts:100)
    at eval (metadata_resolver.ts:603)
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at CompileMetadataResolver.getNgModuleMetadata (metadata_resolver.ts:600)
    at JitCompiler._loadModules (compiler.ts:127)
    at JitCompiler._compileModuleAndComponents (compiler.ts:107)
    at JitCompiler.compileModuleAsync (compiler.ts:61)
    at CompilerImpl.compileModuleAsync (compiler_factory.ts:58)
    at compileNgModuleFactory__PRE_R3__ (application_ref.ts:50)
    at PlatformRef.bootstrapModule (application_ref.ts:307)

We faced this error due while updating declarations in app.module.ts .

Lets see the erroneous code .

  imports:      [ BrowserModule, FormsModule ,  AngularFireModule.initializeApp(environment.firebase)],
  declarations: [ AppComponent,
   HelloComponent, SubjectComponent ],
  bootstrap:    [ AppComponent ],
  providers: [QuizService , AngularFirestore]

check the declarations part regarding the issue , remove    AngularFireModule.initializeApp(environment.firebase),th e from declarations .

Working code :

  imports:      [ BrowserModule, FormsModule ,  AngularFireModule.initializeApp(environment.firebase)],
  declarations: [ AppComponent,
   HelloComponent, SubjectComponent ],
  bootstrap:    [ AppComponent ],
  providers: [QuizService , AngularFirestore]

Hope this helps . Thanks ! .

Monday, October 7, 2019

Errors while compiling. Reload prevented.

Hi Guys ,

This blog is about the error Errors while compiling. Reload prevented.

I have faced this error while running an angular project . I used ng serve to run the project . Whenever we make changes to the code , angular compiles and auto reloads the app .

So while compiling if there are multiple error it will stop the load and as a developer you need to look into your code and find out root cause of all the errors .It could be a recent line of code you changed .

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@angular/cdk/a11y'

Hi Guys ,

This blog is about the error Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@angular/cdk/a11y' .

The full error is as follows :

/src/app/material-module.ts Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@angular/cdk/a11y' in ..

This error is due to the material module is missing but the code is expecting it to be in the node_modules .

To fix this issue simply type the following command in the command prompt .

npm install --save @angular/material

If this does not work remove the node_modules and perform npm update .

Thanks !

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